The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Our story

I look for you 

You know with teary eyes 

And muffled cries 

Only wishing 

We could have had more time 

But now youre gone 

Not completely 

But from me you are 

I think maybe I put too much 

Too much of myself 

In your hands 

But it was worth it 

The pain the happiness

It was all worth it 

The feelings I wish 

I could feel again 

Without you 

I feel lost 

Thrown into the likes of an abyss 

Lost in the darkness 

I hope we can create more 

More of those feelings 

Just like before 

Be together explore the world 

Maybe one day 

One night youll find me 

Again and id let you in 

Without hesitation

As youve become my only goal 

My only wish 

But for now my love 

I drown in the darkest parts 

Of the sea 

Waiting for you and me 



◄ My curse?

Shame ►


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