(I thought it worthwhile to refresh your memories on why you voted for Brexit. A re-post from 2016)
The nation has got in a hell of a state
Let’s get out of Europe and make Britain great
Let’s pull up the drawbridge and then start anew.
And blame it on Hollande and Merkel’s EU.
This European Union is quite a rum do
We English are much better off without you.
We’ve fought for the Belgians and we’ve bailed out France
We’ve given the Jerries a kick in the pants
The cowardly Ities – well, they ran away
And Dutchmen are known to be stoned every day.
This European…
Estonia and Latvia are Russia by name
And Lithuania – well, that’s just the same;
Slovakia, Slovenia you can’t tell apart
And a bus in Bulgaria’s a horse and a cart.
This European…
If I need a plumber I won’t call a Pole
And clearly Romanians are all on the dole
And Austrians can’t resist doing “Seig Heil”
They’re thick as potatoes in Ireland’s green isle.
This European…
The rest is a mish-mash of turnips and Swedes
The Spanish, the Czechs and Croat in-breeds
They’re foreign, dishonest and up to no good
And don’t have an ounce of true Englishman’s blood.
This European…
John Coopey
Thu 16th Jan 2025 22:38
Not me, Telboy. I'm more than happy to have voted Labour.