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Step by step, I softly tread my way,
Upon this path, the sun casts a gentle ray,
Tracing my silhouette in a joyful way,
Its warmth embracing, as if to say:
"Good luck!"

In rhythm with my steps,
A harmony blooms in the air,
A chorus of birds unveils a melody,
Its name, a song of Falling in Love.

A flash of crimson dances, sparking the scene,
Drawing me close to sip its fragrance,
Its scent stirs deeply in my thoughts,
Its blush grazing my cheek.

A swarm of butterflies rushes through,
Crossing winds and time,
In the silent rhythm of wings,
They entrust a warm greeting to me.

A gentle conspiracy stirs,
Nature tempts with whispers hidden deep.

For you, who dwells in stillness,
They greet you, "Hello"
A soft greeting,
Ending nature’s gentle conspiracy.



◄ Children of Heaven

A Trilogy of Poems about a Sunflower ►


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