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Poetry of survival: new collections from two north-east poets

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Two north-east poets, Marilyn Longstaff and SJ Litherland, will be reading from their new collections at Norton library, Stockton-on Tees, on Thursday 7 November from 6.30-7.30pm.

Marilyn Longstaff will read from her new book Being Gemini, which is about the two sides of everything - lockdowns, ageing, deafness, bereavement – and learning to be “neither one thing nor the other”. She is a member of the Vane Women collective and lives in Darlington.

SJ Litherland will introduce her new collection Marginal Future. Every year she wonders if she will survive the spring. The planet is under siege. The weather can no longer be trusted. The damage has already been done. Her Marginal Future is buffeted by childhood trauma, the collapse of the Durham coalfield and the USSR, and a cold Brexit wind. Both collections are published by Smokestack Books. More details



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