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Truly Glorious, Simply Peace

Can you dance in the middle of "what is"

rather than "what was" or "what is to come?"

Making plans can be helpful,

excavating the past can be healing,

but, truly, dancing in the now is glorious!

Step into the glory of right here, right now, this breath, this foot on this ground, this hand on this object, this smile, this frown, this laugh, this tear,

this is all-that-is,

wrapped in compassionate awareness,

the glorious glory of right now-- the future is simply curious,

the past is simply an experience,

oh, but this moment,

this precious moment,

is simply peace.


◄ Finding Power, Finding Joy


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Trevor Alexander

Fri 13th Sep 2024 12:44

We can mourn the (to many!) lost art of 'dancing in the now'. Alas, my knees won't stand up to it either, but the steps still echo in my head.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 11th Sep 2024 22:55

Thanks Hélène,
Dance then wherever you may be...I'll give it a go, but my knees!😊

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Tom Doolan

Wed 11th Sep 2024 17:15

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. We are here and it is now.

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