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Why Tennis ?

After a long,long time

A decision emerges

To play tennis 


A knock about tennis

Session  revealed practice 

Was needed .

Ropey backhand and

Forehand.Rushing to

Hit the ball .

Another decision emerges,

Lessons are needed .

After the second lesson

Confidence grows .

It all comes flooding 

Back .

Hitting a ball is

So satisfying.


Hit a ball.


Hit a ball 

Frustrated ,

Hit a ball.

Tennis therapy .

Each ball over the net.

Each point achieved,

Life feels good ..

When a shot is missed

Determination and

Resilience  emerges.

Resilience  in the face

Of Adversity. The reason

Why tennis works

For me..


◄ Mindless Sheep

What I know now. ►


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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 24th May 2024 20:42

Tennis is my favorite game. I met my future husband on the courts. I spent so many wonderful moments in my life on the courts. And what is most surprising? I have photos of me when I started playing. Then there was none. There are a lot of photos of my husband on the courts. I'm a little bit disappointed. LoL

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