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Letting Go (Eventually)

Conversations rise and fall,

words exchanged,

sometimes loud,

sometimes whispered,

sometimes angry,

sometimes soft.

Static electricity dances in the air long after the voices have fallen silent,

emotions ride the electric waves of memory, 

stored in the cells,

ready to remind.

Pain followed by 

forgiveness (eventually)

works best,

letting go,

until memory hurts less.

Music and poetry and laughter down to the bones,

lead to joy,

silence and stretching and reaching up to the stars,

lead to peace,


all roads lead to healing--


◄ Electric!

"The Little Way" (Thérèse de Lisieux) ►


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Stephen Gospage

Thu 23rd May 2024 07:44

'All roads lead to healing' is a comforting thought. Well done, Hélène.

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keith jeffries

Wed 22nd May 2024 14:03

Very well composed with a therapeutic theme.
Thank you for this,

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 22nd May 2024 13:08

I often think that writing one’s words and sending them out to the world via Write OutLoud is a bit like going outside and shouting to the darkness.
Yours is a nicely worded and considered piece Helene.

<Deleted User> (35860)

Wed 22nd May 2024 12:43

Nothing more true Helene, time IS a healer.
Well written, and comforting piece, thank you.


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