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Their contentment

Is my cure,

They are the remedy

To any kind of pain,

Even the ones

That seem hard

To endure.


Where I am,

What I am,

Has largely

To do with them;

I’m the leaf

To their stem.


An unmovable

Feeling of secureness,

Is what this

Togetherness ensures,

There’s nothing more

Deep and there’s

Nothing more



Wherever I go,

I’ll always

Return back

To this circle,

For there’s

Contentment and cure,

And hearts that

Forever remain

Undeniably pure.


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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 5th Jun 2024 03:31

Thank you, Patricia. I'm glad that you could relate.

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Patricia Ziel

Wed 5th Jun 2024 00:32

Wonderful, I can totally relate.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 4th Jun 2024 14:30

You really are very generous, Martin. Thank you for taking the time to read my previous posts.😊

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Martin Peacock

Tue 4th Jun 2024 07:21

There are some moments - lines, words - in this which speak a profound truth to me. I envy you that closeness.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 22nd May 2024 14:03

Thank you Keith and Rose, and to all those who liked this, it means a lot to me.😊

Rose Casserley

Tue 21st May 2024 23:31

' holds a great truth 'indeed Manish
Fmily should always come first-loved this poem-thank you

Rose 💋

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keith jeffries

Tue 21st May 2024 18:15

A poem which holds a great truth. It reminds me of the expression that an apple never falls far from the tree. Your second stanza deals well with this.

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