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Ring ∞ Roads


The dendrology of Cities,

expanding from one seed of thought.

Their early settlements,

stone walled squares

their markets soiled and stained.


Cobbled pathways from steepled yards

meet public houses,

butchers and bakers.

Further still to the farmers and fishers

the outcasts the lepers.


Building on building,

road leads to road, from avenue

to escape, the prized route out.

The root from the seed,

from the idea to freedom.


The reaching branches of sprawl

are the tendrils of feeding udders.

These City Mothers

whose Bastard wains'

drain her charity like Roman Wolves.


From the hillsides the cities are aflame,

their congealing arteries ooze into ditches.

Fields washed by the waste of want

desire looks like tragedy from here.

The end of all lives in the seed.   



◄ Medals Schmedals

The Appeal of The Licensing Laws ►


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David RL Moore

Wed 10th Apr 2024 08:54

Thank you John & Holden for the reading and likes and thanks Landi for the comment.

It is difficult to escape all signs and symptoms of our infestation. Of course there is good in the mix but much of it is to be found in the places we proliferate hidden away behind glass casing or fences, not always available to all.

Nature holds the answer. The deeper answer/solution would be our acceptance of our place in nature as opposed to our resistance to it and our desire to manipulate it in ways deemed as beneficial but which are in fact harmful.

Sanctuary is becoming harder to find, as Landi suggests when we are constrained by econimics and commitments it becomes even harder. It seems the more we possess the more possible our chances of escaping the melee are. The irony of that idea is that it is generally wealth in currency which bloats the melee.

A fine example of this can be seen in characters such as Elon Musk. With his accumalated wealth he and others are in the early stages of mankinds selective abandonment of our planet. More interesting is that his obsession for escape is driven by his desire to accumalate more currency in terms of power, influence and material possesion...the opposite of the harmony/balance of nature.

As for busy coffee shops..the regions which provide the throng with their relaxants and stimulants alike are receding as our cities expand, imagine that.

Sustainable greed for limited generations.

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Landi Cruz

Tue 9th Apr 2024 17:20

I can't get far enough away from the city on the weekends. But it's always either time or money that keeps me hemmed in. Even while I was trying to enjoy your post at a coffee shop down the street, I became so revolted by the sound of chattering voices that I had to leave.

That final line is very effective...

Anyone who claims their hands are clean in this mess is either stunningly ignorant or lying to the stunningly ignorant. It's like a game of six degrees of separation--there are no bubbles for the squeamish )

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