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Can't Sing Along

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I can write poems,

I can write lyrics,

My voice isn’t for songs,

But I’d still sing along.


Historical, motivational,

Country music, acoustic covers,  

Heartbreak or harsh realities.


But if it’s about love,

I’m afraid I’m not that strong,

I’ll not be able to make an attempt

To write the song,

Or sing along.


◄ Table for Two

Some Things That Matter ►


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Landi Cruz

Tue 5th Mar 2024 18:32

It's more to contemplate than the words betray )

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 5th Mar 2024 08:49

Thank you Tom and Leon, I'm glad that you both liked it.😊
Leon, it's good to see you back on WOL my friend, I'm enjoying reading your poems.
And thanks for all the likes.

leon stolgard

Mon 4th Mar 2024 18:34

Definitely your best poem to date Manish 👍

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Mon 4th Mar 2024 16:16

I like this one a lot Manish. 😀

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