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Not gonna raise a fuss, I'm not gonna blow a hoolie

Though other fans would like with a kick in the goolies

We know in our bones we’re gonna give the game away

That’s what it’s like to be a Spur – that’s just the price you pay;

We might be winning 1-0 but we know we’re gonna lose

But there ain’t no cure for the Extra-Time Blues.


For all Spurs supporters this outcome will always chime

If we’ve seen it once we’ve seen it a hundred times

A one-goal lead at 90 minutes never is enough

We know as sure as eggs is eggs we’ll end up getting stuffed

This comes as no surprise – for us it isn’t news

We all bear the scar of the Extra-Time Blues.


It’s just the way things are so spare us your pity

We’d leak goals to Liverpool or equally York City

They know at 90 minutes resurrection will begin

We bound to give two goals away – we know they’re bound to win

Lesser fans of lesser teams would weep and turn to booze

But like Death and Taxes comes the Extra-Time Blues.


Not gonna raise a fuss, not gonna raise a fracas

Supporters of other teams would find this drove them crackers

It’s been this way for Tottenham ever since the world began

You know that you sign up to this when you become a fan

For Tottenham is a team that you don’t get to chose

We all get used to the Extra-Time Blues





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John Coopey

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 11:59

It’s a one season thing for you, Greg. For Graham and me it’s a lifelong affliction.
And thanks for the Like, Stephen.

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Greg Freeman

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 08:56

Tell me about it, JC.

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John Coopey

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 08:05

A Northampton fan, Graham? You’d live longer, that’s for sure.

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 2nd Mar 2024 22:36

If only Bobbie Smith, Cliff Jones, Jimmy Greaves et al had been crap back in 1961 I would be a Northampton Town supporter! But no! An impressionable 10-year old got sucked into the Spurs forever fan club. God help us all!

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