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Horror "Blood will have Blood"


When with Horror We Defend

All Humanity We Offend


And The Blood Upon Our Hands

is The Blood of All Our Lands



◄ Bottle

Beyond The Blinding Light ►


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David RL Moore

Wed 28th Feb 2024 06:27

Thanks for the comments and likes,

I feel that there is a general increase in the careless use of language which leads to misunderstandings.

It seems a shame, especially when specific relevance is dependent on the use of minimal wordage...the thrust of an idea can be easily missed or misinterpreted.

Interpretation is fine, but meaning is of importance to the writer.

Reggie, regarding text colouring...a useful anomaly.

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Reggie's Ghost

Tue 27th Feb 2024 15:26

Interestingly, only those who comment see the use of red font.

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David RL Moore

Tue 27th Feb 2024 14:01

Thank you Uilleam,

Your comment highlights the importance of specific wording.

My intent is to define the use of horror as defence by use of the word coupling "with horror".

Your alternate interpretation to suggest a reactive state (as in horrified) would rely on the use of the word coupling "in horror"

I'm pleased you mentioned your thought as it has given the opportunity for clarity.


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 27th Feb 2024 12:16

My immediate thought on reading your poem was that the first line could have two interpretations ie:

"when we inflict horror in order to defend (ourselves?)"
"when we are horrified into defending (ourselves?)"

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David RL Moore

Tue 27th Feb 2024 11:34

Thanks Uilleam,

I'm unsure what that text qualifies as.

More a thought than a structured piece of writing. Most definitley not an original thought but one which could be aptly applied today.

Having existed in an environment of cyclical blood letting I can attest to the absolute truth of the text.

It takes courage to draw a line and say no more, especially when millions are baying for blood and vengeance.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 27th Feb 2024 08:54

Thanks Carlton.
No one is an island....

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