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Cherished Canine

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Monetary rewards of life

Established through labours long,

Disrespected by office minions

Jealous words from uttered tongues


Apathetic greedy offspring

Disinterested homebound wife

You purchase them their latest wish

If not, ‘’it's such an unfair life’’


Curled in her corner, soft-bedded

Contented, tail freely wagging

Unconditioned love transmitted,

No shouts, no screams, and no nagging,


Irrespective of what others see

Minuteman or higher-flyer,

For her, all joy in life revolves

around that smile, you've just acquired


An unbreakable bond, man and dog

That transcends all other loves

She will lay there, devoted, beside you,

For no reason, than just because.


◄ The colour of crucifixion

Time heals ►


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Russell Jacklin

Thu 22nd Feb 2024 07:28


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 21st Feb 2024 18:39

Thanks JD.
Just're worth it.

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