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True love

Isabella had always known that she was trapped in a golden cage. Her wealthy parents had raised her to be a proper lady, to never stray from the path that was set out for her. But Isabella was not content with a life of luxury and conformity. She yearned for something more, something real.

And then she met James. He was unlike anyone she had ever known. He was wild and free, with a heart full of passion and adventure. Isabella was immediately drawn to him, and he to her. Their connection was undeniable, and they fell in love with a fierceness that took them both by surprise.

With James by her side, Isabella felt like she could conquer anything, even her gilded cage. They made plans to escape together, to leave behind the expectations and constraints of their society and start a new life somewhere far away.

But just as they were about to make their escape, James changed. He became distant and cold, and Isabella could feel their once unbreakable bond slipping away. She tried to reach out to him, to rekindle the fire they once shared, but he would not let her in. And then she found out why.

James had fallen in love with another woman. A woman who was everything that Isabella was not – wild and free, with no one to answer to. She was the complete opposite of Isabella, and James had fallen under her spell.

Isabella was devastated. She couldn't believe that the man she loved, the man who had promised to free her from her cage, could so easily turn his back on her. But as she reflected on their relationship, she began to see the truth. James was not her true love. He was just a passing infatuation, a distraction from the monotony of her sheltered life.

Feeling defeated and broken, Isabella returned to her golden cage, the walls closing in on her once again. But this time, it felt different. She no longer yearned for escape, for James or anyone else. She had realized that the only true love that could free her from the cage was the love she had for herself. And that was enough.

Isabella spent the rest of her days living her life on her own terms, breaking free from the expectations of society and creating her own path. And although she would often remember James and their brief time together, she knew that he was not the one who would set her free. True love was not about escape, but about finding the courage to be true to oneself. And with that, Isabella found her freedom.

◄ Life's journey

New Beginnings ►


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Sat 16th Dec 2023 05:12

On the way Nigel🌷

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Nigel Astell

Sat 16th Dec 2023 01:54

Courage will return
so will freedom.❤

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Thu 14th Dec 2023 14:37

Thank you Manish, your feedback over this short story series is very motivating. I'll try to write a few more pages. May be in continuation or something new. 🌷

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Manish Singh Rajput

Thu 14th Dec 2023 13:02

It's an unbearable and excruciating pain when someone you love suddenly lets you go. You break and burn and never let anyone else come close to you ever again, like you've built up this great wall of safety. But it's love that conquers and lifts you up again, lets you trust in the right people and invest in the right people. Your walls slowly come down, and that might not necessarily be by another lover, no, love doesn't restrict itself to a romantic relationship, sometimes it could come vastly through an animal or a friend or parents.
Thank you for this lost and found story of Isabelle, of regained freedom and love.

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