The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Note: No profile exists for this entry - most likely it was deleted.


With dinner simmering nicely on the hob,

in comfort and with gratitude, I watched

the ritual enacted on our screen;

a sombre scene, demanding dignity,

respectful silence, mindfulness of grief.


The whistle blown, straight o’er the top they went,

did Tommy Atkins and his brave young pals,

the destiny of most - Eternity.

Two minutes’ quiet, the very least required;

not much to ask for Tommy - after all!


Another whistle though’d been loudly blown,

so enter Tommy Ten Names and his thugs;

whilst from a bottle guzzling booze was one,

the raucous call of England till I die!

resounded over Whitehall to their shame.


Cenotaph: the concept of that word

lost then on empty heads and empty hearts.


CenotaphTommy Atkins

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 10th Dec 2023 10:50

Thanks all for your likes-and for your comment Keith.

The cynicism and hypocrisy of those in power (and in so-called oppostion) who deliberately incite hate for the purpose of distracting from their own morally bankrupt actions knows no bounds.

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keith jeffries

Thu 7th Dec 2023 13:16

This poem recalling the supreme sacrifice made by our servicemen and women needs to be seen with the backdrop of the present day government. Is this what our noble dead gave their all for?
Good poem and thank you,

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