The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter. blue as robins' eggs

Supervisor Kathryn Barger | L.A. County Supervisors Show Support for  Armenian Community


Memories bring me diamonds and rust, nothing more,
though time’s chasm opens before my very sight,

and the vertigo returns with the Lapis Lazuli.
I will devote some time to resurrecting the lived poetry
of the Byzantimes, Persians, Armenians, Assyrians.
each civilization alloted supreme value to the blue of lapis lazuli.
Lapis lazuli was used in the funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BC).
as blue as blue robins’ eggs,
it produced ultramarine, a pigment of supreme rarity and value. i
n pursuit ofthe  blue.
Moses of Khorene was born about A.D. 404,
a proud, educated Armenian: a student, a poet, a linguist and a singer of songs.
educated in Athens, one of those Armenians with an intense awareness of the value of blue.
Moses knew the full, subtle liberty and magnificient blue-art of Konstantinopoulos
Moses worked late in the libraries of Alexandria and Palestine,  
he sojourned to Rome, Athens, and back to Byzantium.
Packing so much life into so little time was his habit of mind
returning to Armenia about 440AD Moses retired into solitude.
until it happened perchance that the Catholicos Bishop.
While travelling, the bishop alighted at a certain poor village,
he was entertained by the peasants, 
and an old ragged man was urged to say something.
At first he excused himself on the plea that he was a stranger,
but, to the surprise of all present,
he recited an impromptu ode, greeting the Catholicos with pieces of lapis lazuli.
Moses disclosed his true identity,  Moses of Khorene,
the man with the bluest of lapis-blue eyes.
at first the Catholicos was incredulous,
But, on a careful examination of the old man’s eyes,
he recognised him as his former fellow-student,
whereupon he burst into tears and held Moses closely in a long embrace.
Image result for blue robins eggs lapis lazuli

◄ .......early onset

A Recreation ►


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