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the artist

the man who created memories for others,

the man who enjoyed caputring a. single framed moment of time.

one sec.. one frame.

a trillion pixilations.




living through a lense of longing.

behind a smile that has been trained to smile.

A personality that is of a wanderess child, running through the halls screaming  with laughter,

but gets scollded for it


he was an artist,

neither nor call it that,

it deserved more.

a title with no seams.

Because his seamlessness made was his tenaciticy,

the abitlity too conecct with others made it delightful.

because he was made of other peoples happiness,

untill one day. he saw his real self. 

and the distorted image he saw made me lose faith in himself.

so he did what he was taught, 

and got through it, and as we speak,

i dont know if this person is going to remember my name

but i would like to say that one day,

ill see him performing on tour live at the rave.


as you see his soul was extremely lost,

but in the moments of genuine solitude.

it was found like others by a soden lost, 

an unfortanate event that led him to a rough patch.


but he over came it, and made his dreams,

his daily task



everything everywhere all at once.

◄ two loves one lie

Growing ►


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