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To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling:

We could not dig; nor in daylight rob:

Therefore we lied to please the mob.

Now all our lies are proved untrue

They’ll never live the dreams we slew.

What tale shall serve us here among

Defrauded angry old and young?


Has anyone told Anne Widdecombe that:


  • You’ll benefit from better care provided by our NHS thanks to the re-allocation of funds from the EU budget.
  • Controlled immigration will lead to reduced wating times for you and your loved ones.
  • Excess funding that would otherwise be sent to Brussels can also be directed to education, meaning better prospects for your children.
  • Your wages will rise thanks to better controlled immigration, which will lead to less competition for jobs.
  • Your weekly food shop will become cheaper.
  • Food prices will no longer be inflated by agricultural policies controlled by the EU.
  • You and your family will benefit from a resurgent economy, led by new and flourishing small businesses, following the removal of burdensome EU regulations and red tape.
  • With less pressure on housing, younger generations will also find it easier to get on the housing ladder.
  • Politicians, both local and national, will become more accountable, helping to strengthen your community and others especially those most damaged by EU policies, like farming, fishing, and industries like steel.
  • A more prosperous and safer future awaits us outside the EU.
  • A vote to leave is a vote for a brighter future for you, your family, and your community.


◄ Boiling Frogs Haiku

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 23rd Apr 2023 08:02

I can't disagree with the sentiment, Uilleam. Perhaps a pre-Cameron time machine is the answer. If only.....

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 22nd Apr 2023 21:18

Thanks all for likes and comments.
Russell, you are correct to err on the side of caution:

Neither an under nor an over whelmer be,
But bravely carry on whelming, please feel free!😊

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Russell Jacklin

Sat 22nd Apr 2023 16:58

I think I'm liberally overwhelming. My love life is conservatively underwhelming, and my addled brain is just labouriously whelming. (see what I did there, politically bipartisan), I feel a whelmed poem coming on, Ta ra 😀

A good bit of writing Uilleam

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 22nd Apr 2023 12:59

Thanks for that permission Telboy, extremely generous of you; I was half expecting to be called into the headmaster's office for a vigorous spanking with a copy of Woman's Weekly...ah well, if only😉

You tell me: " are obviously entitled to post on any subject you choose, but..." you forgot to add - à la Basil Fawlty of the Towers:

on our Freedom of Movement,
on Asylum Seekers,
on Immigrants,
on our Clean Inland and Maritime Waterways,
on the NHS,
on Junior Doctors,
on Nurses,
on our Railways and Transport workers,
on the Homeless,
on our Teachers,
on our Farmers,
on our Civil Servants (yes you, Dominic Raab).

Re the NHS:
As early as 2005 or so, Jeremy Hunt's NHS policy book: 'Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party' called for the "denationalisation" of the NHS, and for it to be replaced by an insurance market system. That is now being enacted.
It was co-authored by Tories Kwasi Kwarteng, Michael Gove, Douglas Carswell, Daniel Hannan and Greg Clark.

The destruction of every last vestige of the UK's "welfare state" and of the public services is the primary aim of the Tory party; it's nothing to do with "feckless teen mums" or "people in small boats" as the Murdoch client press would have the gullible believe.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 21st Apr 2023 17:02

Room for everyone here on WOL. Just keep to the T&C's

"WOL members by their nature are overwhelmingly liberal and share your views"..............a rather sweeping statement I think!

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 21st Apr 2023 11:54

Ouch-raw nerve?😉

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Fri 21st Apr 2023 11:43

Uilleam, you are obviously entitled to post on any subject you choose, but you're preaching to the converted with all this anti-brexit anti-tory stuff. WOL members by their nature are overwhelmingly liberal and share your views. So why not try other subjects, I'm sure you could turn out some gems. Just my opinion, no offence intended.

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