The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Law and Order

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Below par at love and related acts,

He watched the village, knowing how it worked.

He spied on locals, testing their strengths;

Weaknesses too: drink, cards, the other sex.

They all said his life would end up badly,

And it did: shot, in his lair of blackmail.

The obvious suspects: the vicar’s wife,

Whom he caught horizontal one hot night;

The bank manager, dipping in the safe.

A proper nest of vipers, you might say.

Yet that day, on the green, the craft beers flowed;

Tourists and trippers frolicked in the sun.

All rustic reverie hummed and prospered;

The gunshot just a footnote, unnoticed.



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Stephen Gospage

Tue 11th Apr 2023 21:35

Thank you, John and tryingthings. I think I'll have to write the script now for an episode in the new series with his nephew. I guess all the plots are fairly similar and it's the atmosphere created which makes it so watchable.

Thanks to Nigel, Telboy, Clare, Manish and Sailendra for liking.


Tue 11th Apr 2023 09:47

The photo got me reading - transported me back to my afternoons in UK!

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John Botterill

Mon 10th Apr 2023 19:40

Love this, Stephen. Had me intrigued from the start. I want to watch the episode, now! Intriguing ! 😀

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