The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Never told you

Never told you

I never told you
How much I really loved you
or how much I really did care
That is my biggest mistake

I would do anything for you
Even lay down my life
In place of yours
Without a moments hesitation

I never told you
How stupid I felt around you
Or how you took my breath away
And I regret not telling you

But if I told you now
Would you believe me
Would it even matter

My emotions for you
Will never be returned
So what do I do with them
When they serve me no purpose

I never told you
How handsome you were
Or how your eyes had a  sparkle in them
When I had so many chances too

I hate those opportunities
That I regrettably passed up
I wish I could go back
But it wouldn't change a thing

Your gone now
I'm here alone
With useless emotions
And a hollow chest

I never told you
How special you were to me
Or that you deserved so much better
Than who you were falling for

I can't forgive myself for that
And every scar I gave myself
Is a reminder
Of how stupid I was

I never told you
That I had to force myself
To not want you more
Because you left me speechless

Would you even listen
Would you believe me
If I tried to tell you now


Memoriesmy past experiencefriends

◄ You don't know me

Worth the wait ►


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