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Where Are You Now?

Are you sleeping in my bed, tonight?
I know you're with my friends,
But that's alright.

There's a message I would send
If I could find you.
But you're more than lost to me,
You're hiding.

Are you curious about my life?
I know it's very late,
And you are tired.

There's something you should know
If you wanted.
But you're probably too far out
To hear me.

Are you angry, about how old friends treat me?
Or do you really side with them
Against me.

There's something you could say,
To make them listen.
But you're probably too used to being silent
To start speaking.


love's tempestbetrayalshard truthcold shoulderfall out

◄ The Other Side

Jumping The Gun ►


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Nigel Astell

Tue 1st Jun 2021 02:11

Thanks Aviva for sharing such a dramatic time in your life and how from this has inspired you to write an emotional love poem.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Sun 30th May 2021 01:25

Thanks for commenting Nigel ?

When I went to university a close friend of mine from 6th form also went to the same Uni and in the second year when students move from campus into digs, she, I, and a few other Uni friends rented a place together.

While I was in that relationship he used to visit me at that house and got to know everyone there... then, when our relationship came to an end, especially because I couldn't tell people the traumatic and hugely personal reason why, she and the other friends of that house chose to keep inviting him around frequently, and when I said I found that difficult and could they meet him elsewhere they basically said that I didn't have the right to tell them who could visit the house.. so, I room surfed with other friends and barely ever returned to my own room.

The she of this tale is the same as features in 'To A Friend To Be Forgotten' and 'Sauce For The Goose (Rough Justice)'

Thanks also to Holden Moncrieff for the Like, and to anyone else who might like this poem ?

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Nigel Astell

Sun 30th May 2021 00:58

Intriguing comes into your bed
wants to know
ex-lover in hiding
not speaking
staying silent
but why?

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