The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

War Of The Sexes


                   Cocked and fired, cannon explodes.
                   Your cavalry charge this valley.

  Shot, down in flames, you take me
  Surrendered or fighting.

                   I fuel you, another charge.

                                Your war cry echoes
                                This death dance.

  Do you take prisoners
(back to your torture chambers)
  Or lay siege this fortress, and trap me here?

                   Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers.
                   Truce... till we fight again.

                                 But next time
                                 It's my time
                                      You play Indian.


damaging relationshipslove and warlove's tempestvaginismuswar of the sexes

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Sat 8th May 2021 10:29

Thank you Nigel for commenting ?
The line 'knight takes maiden' is a strong one,
It has connotations of chivalry, anti-chivalry, and also chess!

Thanks also to everyone who clicked 'Like' for this poem ?

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Nigel Astell

Wed 5th May 2021 23:34

knight takes maiden
each intimate attack
rapturous rewards await.

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