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To Change a Light Bulb

Waked, stumbling to step on stone feet -lame
setting down my somewhat rotund frame
with a madcap mind-state -unready
Espresso frothing- wells up steady

Yet, my office is crypt-like, dour --so ...
switching on the room light, then oh no
*Flash-pop* --then it's dark again, ack &$%#
Run to the shed, forage, jogging back
a new bulb, screw out the flop, creaking
fingers fumble, turn -scraping, screeching
perched precarious - will I bungle?
a Dumpty, trying out his tumble?

swaying, squinting, I can't thread it in -
starting over, again, then again ...
spin like Mister Magoo on a binge
but then! — a lovely brightness floods in ~
through the yellowed blinds and musty drapes
King Sol entered with his sunny gapes
began the race, but winged clouds outpace
again, icy bars jailing sun's face

fixed the light, but my bubble is popped
because, oh rats --now called into work,
and therefore the locomotive stopped --
for shackled to the world, work-a-day
trading hours, with countless bills to pay




© Brian Hodgkinson Jr. (aka) Limericist 2021


work-a-day worldroutinehandednessHumor of lefties

◄ Easter Haiku

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