The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


The April page of my annual Foot and Mouth Painters Society calendar display the words -

"You do not find the happy life.  You make it".  For me, an appropriate consideration as Easter arrives.

Surely food for thought at this and every other time in our lives, not least when there is so much retreating

into excuse and its companion - justification for failure   Has there been any other era when so many seek

so much to provide cop-outs for why they behave as they do and why they fail to achieve what they aim for

or would see as their "rights" in this life?  I for one  doubt it.  At every turn, there are people parading

their objection, resentment, or rejection to any manner of if the world was conspiring against

their very existence.  Has there been any era in human existence when so much is "on offer" that can

make both personal and collective life infinitely more endurable and rewarding than before?  In the

range of acquisition of material prosperity, health and rewarding achievement there is no time like now.

Yet in tandem there travels the transport of discontent, disbelief, and disenchantment..  It's almost as

if the variety of gain engenders an automatic negativity that produces a feedback of dissatisfaction

that adjusts to continue - like a virus evolving to continue infecting the human body.

How strange; how perverse - and yet, somehow, maybe something programmed into our species = to be

addressed across each generation in turn as we move ahead towards the unknown.  Is this the challenge?

To accept that we do not find the happy life but that we must make it for ourselves - and for others?

............................................................................................................................................................................... .






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