The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Candles in the Wind

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Stratford-upon-Avon’s 57th Poetry Festival, which runs from 14th July to 1st August, has a varied programme, full of talent to offer this year; from an evening with director Greg Doran, to a creative writing workshop, local poet’s events and events for young children.

On Sunday, 25th July at The Shakespeare Centre, you can see Candles in the Wind – a programme specially devised for the Festival and Amnesty International. Four of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s leading actors – Greg Hicks, Mariah Gale, Jane Lapotaire and Richard Griffiths will be reading works from Shakespeare to the present day which reflect Amnesty International’s concerns.

Committed to protecting human rights, especially of those who suffer violence, discrimination, or imprisonment for their beliefs, Amnesty International’s symbol is the candle. Tickets are £15 and 50% of the proceeds from this event go to Amnesty International.

Tickets are available by in person or by post from The Poetry Festival, The Shakespeare Bookshop, 39 Henley Street, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6QW. Or you can reserve tickets using your credit card from the bookshop by telephone on 01789 292176. You should enclose an s.a.e with your cheque made payable to The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Tickets are also available from the venue half an hour before the start of the recital, which starts at 7.30pm.

You can find further information, as well as information on other events at:

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