The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

50 Zone

entry picture

Can you write an original mystery connected with Bradford-on-Avon’s river in exactly fifty words? It’s not easy, but certainly not impossible.

The organisers of Bradford-on-Avon Arts Festival, which runs from 17th to 26th September, are asking for submissions for their competition to write a complete mystery connected to the River Avon in exactly fifty words – and please note that is not less than fifty but exactly! The winning entry will be published, along with others, as a broadsheet which will be on sale during the festival.

As well as the fifty words for the story you may have a title of up to fifteen words. You should write or type your entry on one side of a sheet of A4 paper, and add your name, address, email and telephone number, and if your age if you are under 16. You must also include the same information if you are entering by email.

The winning entry will receive £50 worth of books. The competition will be judged by mystery and script writer, Stan Hey, and screenwriter, Steve Volk; the judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to. There is no charge to enter, and the closing date for the competition is Wednesday, 18th August.

Entrants must agree that Bradford –on-Avon Arts Festival may publish their work, all work must be original and no entries will be returned.

You can hand in your entry at Bradford-on-Avon Library, or the Ex Libris Bookshop on the Shambles in Bradford; or you can email it to

The winner’s name will be posted in Bradford-on-Avon Library.

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