The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


The following is the lyric of my song of the same title - posted for today and every other such day.

Blessed are those who are born of this land,

Happy are they who can hold fast its hand,

Who can pull up a chair

And bid goodbye to care;

We won't  ask what you're thinking

When we ask what you're drinking.


Lucky are those who share this old bond,

Eager are they who come from beyond

To this island full of history,

Magic and mystery;

We won't ask why you smile

Or why you stop here a while.


But we understand why you'll always come back

To find a warm welcome and the fun of the craic;

No matter where you go

Or how far you roam,

You're never far from Ireland,

You're never far from MY land -

Our forever island home.






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jennifer Malden

Sun 21st Mar 2021 19:35

Loved this celebration. Lived in Ireland as a child, (unlike the Brits, the Irish love children, and are prepared to give time to them), and have a head full of happy memories. That's where your passion for horses comes from, possibly? i remember tumbling homes, badly in need of repair, but the stables were always in excellent condition!


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