The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


There's something about recycling

That provides a rich reward;

Washing out those bottles and tins

And slicing up cardboard.

Peeling off the plastic bag

From its council-issue provision

And filling it with content

That demands domestic precision.

Sometimes one - or two tied  together

Get carried down to the street

To wait like weekly offerings

To the detritus deity they'll meet -.

Until its hand-servants attend and lift

These gifts they do not scorn

And carry all away with them

To the place where they're reborn.







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Stephen Gospage

Fri 5th Mar 2021 17:28

"Hand-servants" is a lovely description.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Fri 5th Mar 2021 17:27

The coke bottle
will reincarnate
as a plastic plate
and after soon
will be a spoon
and maybe then
a biro pen
till fates allot
it who knows what.

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