The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Second Light Poetry Competition

entry picture

Second Light Network of Women Poets are launching their annual Women Only Poetry Competition, 2010.

Second Light is a network that aims to promote the work of women poets, and to develop and promote the work of its members through publications, readings, workshops and festivals.

There are two categories in the competition:

Category 1 – Short poems, up to 50 lines. The entry fee for this category is £4 for a single poem, £8 for three, and £12 for eight.

Category 2 – Long poems, over 50 lines. The entry fee for this category is £6 per poem.

Members of Second Light may enter one poem free of charge.

There is a first prize of £250 for each category, and other cash and book prizes for commended poems. Winning, commended, and short-listed poems will be published in ARTEMISpoetry in May 2011, and the poets will be invited to read at an adjudication event in London. Winning poems will also be published on the SecondLightLive website.

This year’s judge is the writer and poet Myra Schneider, and the closing date for the competition is Friday, 1st October, 2010.

You can find further details of the competition, as well as details of how to enter, at Second Light’s website at:

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