The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

I have a heart too

When talking about rights, we often mistake rights, as something only humans can possess. But rights are nobody's property. Human being is not the only organism on Earth. We mustn't forget that we share Earth with numerous other species. Hence, every organism has got rights. But we don't respect these rights. Here's a poem that depicts the feelings of a few animals who've been captured and oppressed, animals whose 'Rights' haven't been respected by the 'most educated' creatures on Earth.


I have a heart too

I am called a Dog,

By my masters- the humans. 

They capture and chain me,

And do all that is quite inhuman.

I have done no harm

To anyone of you.

Then why do you oppress me?

I have a heart too.


I have been named Cat,

By the civilised beings.

Who are not so civilised,

As I am seeing.

They buy me and call me a pet.

What if someone bought them too?

I feel pained just as they feel,

I have a heart too.


They call me a Bird,

A creature that flies.

But they imprison me in cages,

When I should be on the open skies.

God gave me these wings,

And brains he gave to you.

Why can't you understand my plight?

I have a heart too.


We are bought and kept,

And sometimes bullied and oppressed.

If you love us, let us live freely just as you do.

We can't speak but we do feel,

We have a heart too.




◄ The light of love

The Mysterious Night Sky ❤️ ►


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