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A Better Life


The car jolted.

Her weary eyes 

opened slowly

Like mechanical shutters 


Flickering through trees,

the dying sunlight

stabbed at her sight

with golden shards.


Mouth dry

Limbs weak

Clothes damp



A stench of sweat 

Lingered in tobacco air 

Made her cough

Made her gag


Where's Daddy?

she croaked

Muffled laughter



Her throat

So sore

So dry



The trees had darkened

to shadows

They swayed hypnotically

Became waves

Became the tumultuous sea


She couldn't breathe

Felt her Father's hand


Leaving her


Down! Keep down!


The rabid waters crashed,

Raked its foaming jaws

across all that he was

And swallowed him whole


Another jolt


She cried out!

Throat burned

The trees returned

Now dark and twisted 





Strangely comforting...


Gravel crunched below

Trees disappeared 

A driveway

The moon in its entirety



A House

A door

Cracked & peeling





She clicks the handle


Legs of stone


Approaches the door


So tired

It creaks open


Shadows reach out

like tendrils

Creeping upwards

Passed shin and waist, 

Engulfing her face

'till only eyes remain

Wide & glistening

in moonlit despair


'My, my, aren't you a little beauty'


And, already, 

she thinks 

That his smile 

Is as monstrous

As any raging sea




immigrationModern slavery

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A Love Song (forever) ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 29th Jan 2021 20:03

Thank you very much Lisa. I wrote the first stanza without knowing where it was going, then, basically, it wrote itself. Sometimes it happens. Bit sad that you can relate to some things in it, but, I guess, we all have our own private heart aches. I wish you well ?

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lisa donohoe

Fri 29th Jan 2021 17:35

I loved how it came from the soul. Pain creates the most beautiful pieces and writing helps to express the emotions we bury within our selfs. I felt her pain and I could relate in many ways and I'm sure other readers could to.

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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 29th Jan 2021 17:13

Thanks for the Likes on my rather depressing poem (if it even is a poem!)... I'll do a happy one next ?

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