The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sale Summer Soiree

entry picture
There will be a summery evening of songs and stories featuring Emma Unsworth, Maria Roberts (pictured) and Nicola Mostyn + music by special guest Jessie Rose (pictured below) at the Waterside Arts Centre from 7.30pm on the 9th of July .
Following sell out events across Manchester, the Prose Formation Team return to Sale with their unique combination of new writing and live music. To celebrate the season, the theme for the evening is 'fruits of abundance'.
Think tables tumbling with fruit, goblets overflowing with wine, and a room ripe to bursting with entertainment and your beginning to get the picture.  
Sale Waterside Arts Centre, (opposite Sale Metrolink stop) 7.30pm-late. £5 including free glass of wine.
For more information see 
or email Nicola at  07967647685

◄ Publishing Success for WOL Poets

Two New Competitions! ►

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