The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Edinburgh Fringe

entry picture

We know that many of you go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August – both to entertain and to be entertained, and we’d like to hear all about it.

If you’ve got a show together that you’ll be performing at this year’s fringe, write and let us know all about it – not just the practical things like where you’ll be and when, but tell us a bit about your show too, better still – tell us why we should take the high road to come up and see you – sell it to us! – and don’t forget to include a photo or logo.

And whether you’re performing or part of the audience, after it’s all over, we’d like to hear how it went. If you are simply going for the ‘craic’ then why not send us a review – you can really let it rip and get the creative juices flowing – make the experience live for us poor folks who can’t go - make a name for yourself!

◄ Doin' Moon

Excess Memories ►

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