The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


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You know that song by John Lennon whatver gets you thru the night well this small story tells of a good little creature  that helps me get through these  almost apocalyptic days and nights.


I'll never forget the day I got mi cat, they let her out the little carry box and she walked on my coffee table, then she wondered off so casual like an estate agent checking out my flat. Into every room like yeah I'll take, this guys table,, yeah the beds big enough for all my sleeping requirement's... Great bathroom for my shit box .


One thing I don't miss though is every little toy I've got Minnie is somewhere under my bed, she kept knocking them in impossible positions then after about 5 times picking up. Id say daddy's knees are dead so that's staying there forever alright. So now she enjoys knocking Alexa off the kitchen table better.

Normally every animal takes a while with me and is afraid of the chair and with fair reason cos you don't get many chairs moving in the nature environment, or climbing walls. but no way not my little animal, she sat on my chair from day 1 and sits on it ever since. Yeah that night we both sat watching match of the day feeling pleased with each other. The loyal tiny friend I never have to prove anything to.




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