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Jungle Breath

Jungle Breath



she just woke up with jungle breath

lianas swaying left and right

screeching yellow monkeys

had been swinging through her night


the tigers eye and serpents glare

snuck past teeth and tongue

leaving there a fragrance

that quite resembled dung


crocs lay in waiting

in lakes of rippled spittle

and down along the waterfall

the lips dripped just a little


with naked neck and taloned claw

there hovered one lone vulture

then swooping down it landed

to partake of dental culture


hyenas laughed and nipped

a substance oh so fetid

when a finger entered

an intrusion they regretted


they ran and yipped and howled

down the tunnel throat

and serpent, tiger, taloned claw

set sail the peptic boat


when up she sat and stretched

tongue circling her mouth

then silently discovered

the jungle heading south


then lifting up one buttock

she allowed it to depart

and instead of burping

she let fly one loud fart


she’d woken up with jungle breath

that had crept in through the night

but now she’s bathed and dressed  

and everything’s all right!



◄ Riding with the Ghymly

The Smatterbog ►


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Shifa Maqba

Tue 28th Jul 2020 16:52

the imagery in your poem is simply majestic!

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