The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wreck of hopes

entry picture


Our meeting was an accidental,

But I am so sentimental,

So romantic, so sensitive and gentle.

I praised him to the skies,

I idealized my Peter

Thinking he was sweeter

Than any fresh peach.

And his speech! Wow!

It sounded like  neoclassic music,

Like a roar of sea waves,

Like an echo in the caves.


I didn’t forget about champagne and a candle

With aroma of a sandal.

Waiting for my prince to come

For the romantic dinner

I put on my best dress

So as to look thinner.

The door bell rang like an angel sang

And not like someone’s: bang-bang.

I flied on the wings of love to open the door,

Not even feeling the floor.


I told him about love,

About my wish to call me “my dove”.

But…Peter’s glutton

Was filling with peaches,

And he looked at me like a mutton.

Each peach he washed down with champagne,

And when nothing remained I suggested him steaks,

He has eaten nine without any breaks

And drank vodka like cola,

Ate some expensive  gorgonzola.


I tried to change the situation

And hoping  for some communication

I began to sing a song

But again I was wrong

As I’ve heard him mumble,

Then I’ve heard something had tumbled,

And then a noisy rumble.

The rest was just a ballad

As his face was in the  salad.

I wiped his face with  grace and thought:

What a disgrace!

You’d better take off at a very fast pace.

If you want to live

You’d better leave this place,


Now my life is happy and has a glitter

Without any Peter.


Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)


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