The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

More from Write Out Loud's May Magazine!

entry picture

This month we are trying something different with more articles being added throughout the month - so keep coming back – you don’t want to miss anything!

We've added more stuff to the magazine:

  • Your May horoscopes
  • Separate the twins if you can
  • This month's Cryptic puzzle poem
  • Jackie's latest workshop
  • And we ask you for you performance tips

The above is in addition to earlier magazine entries:

  • Poetry Jukebox - Six poems with musical backing; including ‘Silence has Sound’ from slam winner - Fatima Al Matar, plus contributions from Isobel, Steph Porterhouse, Peter Hancock, Jimmy Andrex and Tomás Ó Cárthaigh.
  • A unique poets’-eye view of New Brunswick in Canada, by Joe Blades of The Black-Top Motorcycle Gang
  • David C. Johnson’s new collection, ‘Holding On and Looking Out’, is reviewed by Nat Clare
  • General Election - Hatta’s unique take on how things might go on May 6th
  • Poets' Express - Ky tells us about a great event in West Cork, Eire

Plus Poem of the Month from Mab Jones, Sympathetic Sybil, Picture this…

Remember to keep looking. There will be more...

◄ Words @ Frome Festival July

Yeovil Literary Prize ►

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