The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Just Breathe

When all before you appears to dessipate, Breathe

When those you held dear are nowhere to be found, Breathe

When words your mouth cannot form, Breathe

When memories flood your mind and tears your eyes, Breathe

When voices fill your thoughts, and all you want is to feel them close, Breathe

When the world moves on, without a second thought, Breathe

When screams fill your lungs and pain your heart, Breathe

Just Breathe, because this too will come pass

They will never know, they may never see, so just Breathe



◄ Quietness

Contemplation ►


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Sat 18th Apr 2020 13:49

Thank you everyone for your kind words.

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Abdul Ahmad

Fri 17th Apr 2020 21:23

Very compelling. To breathe is the string that holds the whole being together.

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Emer Ni Chorra

Fri 17th Apr 2020 20:16

Beautiful, well done?

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Fri 17th Apr 2020 16:58

And when life seems to be going on at full speed, just stop and Breathe.

Inspiring. The poem came by at the most needed time. Thanks for sharing.

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