The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Poet in Residence Wanted for Ilkley Festival

entry picture

Ilkley Literature Festival, the North’s most dynamic literary festival, is seeking a Poet in Residence for the 2010 Festival in October.

The residency is an opportunity for a poet based in, or with very strong connection to, Yorkshire and the North of England, to:

 •     be part of the North’s leading literature Festival, using it as a springboard to profile their work

•     encourage a wide range of people to share their passion for poetry through workshops, readings and discussions

•     help create Festival poetry events in liaison with the Director

•     create new work inspired by the experience

 The successful candidate will:

•     be based in the Northern region

•     have already published a collection or be in the process of publishing a collection

•     have experience of running workshops in schools and with community groups

•     have experience in reading or performing their work

 Fee:  £2,500

The Festival can provide accommodation as appropriate


1-17 October 2010 inclusive.

 Deadline for applications Monday 10th May 2010

Email for full information and details of how to apply

◄ Holding On and Looking Out by David C Johnson

Poet-Tree ►

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