The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


let me take you somewhere far from here

far from the rocks and the shore 

out of the fog, into the starlit night 

I will help you find your way 

lead you to safety and confidence 

away from confusion and loss 

maybe I can’t fix everything 

but I can make things brighter 

show you a warmth the cold world could never freeze out

a new chapter in your voyage 

a new chapter in mine

let me be your lighthouse 

burning bright as you go about your way 

loving and constant 

beyond the wind and weather 

beyond the work and the pain

and forever standing by

more powerful than the waves

braver than the last sailor of the night

and more determined than the first 

holding you close in the hurricane 

and giving you peace during war

beyond the city and the traffic

on the hill there is a lighthouse 

let me be yours


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Jordyn Elizabeth

Sun 5th Apr 2020 04:42

What a lovely poem and written so well. Nice one.

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Martin Elder

Wed 18th Mar 2020 08:49

This has a kind of mystical beauty all of its own. Beautifully written. It caught me from the opening words

Nice one

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