The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.


Obey your honour and try to understand 
That justice and truth must go hand in hand. 
So try to be honest and try to be good 
Never stray from doing just as you should.

So go into the world; perform great noble deeds. 
Be courteous but don't be full of greed. 
And whatever you say, be you old or youthful, 
Endeavour to make all of those words truthful.

Then maybe you'd have a right to be proud, 
A view that could perhaps be avowed. 
And you might have a right to be covered in glory, 
And people would tell your wonderful story.


Stuart VannerHonourTruthJustice

◄ On the Up

Moving Forwards ►


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keith jeffries

Fri 13th Mar 2020 21:54


It is said that in every poet there lives a philosopher. This poem bears witness to that.
Good words to be cherished
Thank you for this


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