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Carol Falaki

Updated: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 04:44 pm

Carol Falaki


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Carol Falaki Wirral Making the most of every day. appreciating life, friends and family. The picture is Charlie.


UNWIND Born from the westerly squall Prevails past dry desert dust Rides the wave and lightens the gull. Swells the tall ship’s sail in fair wind. Trades strength, and passes over land Bends the branches, threatens the nest. Carries the kestrel’s gaze to the submissive grass, Plays in the long field Propelled, blusters the bee. Drives the seed of the dandelion, Groans at sleeping sheep on the curve of the hill, Rises over wet slate rooftops and drops to whisper at an open window moan in the chimney’s throat and raise the drowsing embers. Grey ash in the hearth settles, still. ............ SMOKING OUTSIDE The warm air lies flat on the dusk as the sun pulls the last coral plume, to a secret place beyond the screen of impending darkness. A startled blackbird screeches for safety, hidden in a shroud, dull jade leaves breath quiet, at rest. Silently, across the low-growing ground, the soft slimy creatures of the night explore in the fading light, Gone, the fleeting illusion of a ghostly bat as midges diffuse, in the subtle smoke, there is no conquest. ........... WATERBIRTH Your crown burns like fire as you pass From womb to warm water Without a gasp Submerged, head first Eyes hidden, Your fine hair sways like sea-grass And the soft helix of your ear is born Naked on my thigh. All is still And time is measured in a breathless pause Generations seem to pass Waiting for your shoulders to rotate, Until With pouting grimace Your profile glides to view. You are familiar, I know you. A wave of agonising joy and you surge forth Ejected and expelled At once alone Separate Launched into life, at last I lift you slowly and Your head emerges From the balmy water. You take a breath, your first, And murmur sweetly, I breathe you in Gaze into the dark universe of your eyes And hold you to my breast.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Carol Falaki

Harry (27/08/2018)

Time (29/04/2018)

Plastic (22/04/2018)

Canis (04/04/2018)

Foolish Pleasures (01/04/2018)

I get it...Yet (10/03/2018)

Surrender (09/02/2018)

Charlatan (27/01/2018)

Host (08/10/2017)

Greyhound (05/09/2017)

Read more entries by Carol Falaki…

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Frances Macaulay Forde

Sun 4th Feb 2018 17:07

Thank you so much for the like on 'Dieback', so glad it brought me here, to read your lovely words...

Loved what I've read so far - especially 'Waterbirth' reminded me of a short piece I wrote when my daughter was born - a long time ago.

Hope you don't mind if I share it with you:

The Moment of Birth

My Darling One you are so new
helpless - yet so strong!

You didn't really need the Doctor
guiding you along...

Now I know how every mother feels
at the moment of birth.

You caused such pain, such draining
of strength, yet

when you finally arrived in just a second
all that had gone before
was completely forgotten

and I held you to my breast - now calm
then gently with my fore finger...
caressed your tiny arm.

Frances Macaulay Forde - 1976

<Deleted User> (9801)

Sat 19th Nov 2011 12:40

Thanks Carol! Yes I miss the naughtiness! though not cocking his leg on my curtains! Bless xx luv to Charlie.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 1st Mar 2010 12:48

By the way, such a gorgeous photograph. Makes my heart sing.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 1st Mar 2010 12:46

Carol, thank you for the invitation to Facebook. I have declined only because I have declined everyone. I know extended acquaintances with some persons would be fabulous, but I have chosen, for now, not to be involved in this 'friendship channel'. I do 'chat' whenever I can.

<Deleted User> (8634)

Sun 7th Jun 2009 21:10

Thanks for commenting on my poem. You wonderful selection of poetry on here - so varied. I have enjoyed the read.

<Deleted User> (6230)

Mon 18th May 2009 16:31

I wanted to set my stall out early, in terms of being free in what I write about. Free from having to stick to form or what the idea of "good" poetry is. I'm pretty happy so far.

I'm hoping to just get people commenting the work. Any chance of you commenting directly on the "fat girl" poem. Would love your views on it.

I'll run my eye over your work... you seem really popular.

<Deleted User> (6230)

Mon 18th May 2009 15:17

Thanks for your comments, Carol.
What do you really think of my stuff?

Pete Crompton

Sun 17th May 2009 16:46

Hi Carol, some lovely images and poems.
Cats rule too!

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Sun 5th Apr 2009 14:13

Its great to read your work again...

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Gus Jonsson

Fri 20th Mar 2009 19:57

YOu're quite right....I'm only dreamin Thats why I'm a poet...Its only make believe...

Thanks again for you comment

<Deleted User> (5763)

Fri 20th Mar 2009 09:27

Thanks Carol, I just wish I had taken the time to write something more conventional, but then, perhaps, I might have failed to get my point across -which is probably a reflection on my poetry skills? And you are right, we are all part of it. I like your plea for Burma, short and to the point.

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David Franks

Fri 18th Jul 2008 11:12

Just enjoyed some of your verses, Carol.

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Wed 16th Jul 2008 16:31

I love the Burma poem... the sad thing is is that they will Always go for power before people... much like our own I guess... only more brutal...

<Deleted User> (4281)

Sun 18th May 2008 06:28

Dear Carol

I am extremely pleased with the latest news about your beautiful Baby Boy. That is a blessing and Gift for you. Big baby boy. I want to party on your behalf...Smiling real big...:)
Thank you for sharing your joy with me. I read this and my happiness and joy was with you.

With all my love ...Zuzanna

<Deleted User> (4281)

Thu 1st May 2008 00:23

Dear Carol

I am thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers. I am sure all will be fine my friend in poetry. Trust the Lord.

With my best wishes!

<Deleted User> (4281)

Wed 20th Feb 2008 01:22

Hello Carol ~ All your poems are very creative. You have a vivid imagination and fantastic mind that creates all sorts of writes. Did enjoy the futuristic poem the Year "2020"-Creative vivid and tasty with all those Cyber fruits etc...

"The gift

Spread your arms to catch the wind
Keep the rain in the skies
Absorb sunlight through palms open
To air unhindered
And sweep the moon on its side
Fill it with pity
Set it free
Let it fall to earth
The gift of experience"

THE GIFT"' - It is somehow my favourite.

Fabulous Poetess you are!!
It is great pleasure to read your words.
Sorry for the loss of your little four legged friend.
I love animals and my favourite are dogs and horses. They really are good friends of a man.

Thank you for visiting with me on my page.
Warm Regards,

Pete Crompton

Fri 15th Feb 2008 20:04

this is great stuff.

I really love this part of 'in sleep'

On grubby skin
A bedpost leg
A rotten peg
A spring un-sprung
A mattress wrong
A sheet undone
A little one

when I read this selection of poems I was quickly taken in had to read all.

as Julien says, very tightly written, tricky thing to do.

original and bitter sweet
I see the influence of being a mid-wife, how this must open your eyes and spirit to sometimes the tragedy but more importantly the fantastic things in life

I think that a career as a mid wife must give you such a huge platform of experiences from which to draw some very emotionally writing.

I find myself intrigued and I don't know why, and I find that intriguing in itself.

I feel strange as I spent a while on a photo assignment in Billinge Maternity Hospital, and more recently Southport. I think I found the room in which I was born. The very first view, the very first wall upon which I gazed.

you have inspired me to go write a poem.
I have the urge and its always the emotion that drives me.

Your collection of poetry is inspiring.


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carol falaki

Thu 14th Feb 2008 16:20

Thanks Julian
Where's the Wirral ode show poets?

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Julian (Admin)

Thu 14th Feb 2008 13:56

Carol, fantastic poetry. 'Unplanned. is very moving, tightly written, spare and compassionate.
'I found you' is almost a Haiku in encompassing so much detail in so few syllables.
If you are Wirrall based you might consider reading your stuff out loud at the wirrall Ode Show Poets. I am sure they would love to hear such lovely verse.

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carol falaki

Tue 12th Feb 2008 21:14

Thanks Moxy, I just saw this and have done a bit of adding and editing, You saw it too soon.
Love back from your sister

<Deleted User> (7790)

Tue 12th Feb 2008 20:58

Hi there, Carol. These are terrific.
Love from your sister,

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