The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Make an exhibition of yourselves

Create A Museum of Your Life

Think of a person, it can be you, or someone you know well. Imagine you are creating a museum of their life. Think of the objects you would put on display, lost baby teeth? Love letters? Your first school shoes? Photos? Think of the stories that might be told, videos or photos that might be shown. Here is a list of things to think about:


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Workshop exercise of the month

Vocabulate Fremunctiously

It’s summer silly season and the bumblebees of doom (vuvuzelas) have been melting our brains so here’s a fun one:


Define these 10 words:













They might be emot...

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Workshop exercise of the month

Ten into five will go

Pick 10 people who have been important in your life: an amazing teacher, a popstar you emulated when your were a toddler, the noisy nieghbour you want dead, etc.


Write a stanza about each...

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Workshop exercise of the month

Catch Last Orders in the Poet's Head

This month's exercise has been inspired by an extended period of drunkenness that was held as a mark of respect for the editor's birthday towards the end of last month...


Write down 5 n...

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Workshop exercise of the month

Go on Google

Take one pair of Googly eyes (those plastic eyes you get from craft shops, that, if you're such-way inclined may be snuggled down the back of the sofa, lost and looking for love, or at the bottom o...

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Workshop exercise of the month

I remember

Exercise one

This is a simple exercise that a lot of poets use to get over writer's block.  Write the words "I remember" on the first line, and then carry on writing the poem for five or ten mi...

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Workshop exercise of the month

Eulogise someone. No, you logise someone.

In free verse, write a big magical exagerated lie of a poem about someone you admire.

Tell us what special powers they have, what language they speak, what they invented, what objects adore them, wh...

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Workshop exercise of the month

How to make your own poetry 'zine-type thing

First of all, for anyone who doesn’t know, a zine is a booklet you make yourself of whatever you want, which you then photocopy the crap out of and either sell or give away. Sometimes you hear poets c...

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Workshop exercise of the month

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