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poem are written in special language discuss

please it is my school assignment help me
Fri, 3 Mar 2017 04:45 pm
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Mine are usually written in Martian.

(Sorry - I'll give a more serious answer later.)
Sun, 5 Mar 2017 01:52 pm
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Hi, Jerry..I don't often (I've never, in fact) get involved in WoL discussions, but somehow feel impelled in this instance...

We often speak of language as being common among nationalities, cultures and subcultures. But, I would say that we each, as individuals, express unique linguistic patterns (especially when relating personal experiences and emotions). That may be why so many of us are so reticent to make public our expression and are so anxious about the ability of others to, first, understand what we are saying, and then, to assign meaning in a manner such that our "personal" language becomes a "common" language.

That's about the best I can do, right now..let me know if my meaning is still unclear.

Mon, 6 Mar 2017 12:59 am
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thanks alot u rilli help me I now have an idea on what to do
Mon, 6 Mar 2017 10:38 am
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I don't think there's a special language for poetry. Whatever language you write in, use the ordinary language you use everyday unless you need to use specialised language for a specific subject. Older poetries may use certain contractions ('tis', 'twas', that kind of thing) or use particular images that sounded romantic then but not just seem clichéd. But modern poetry tends to use fairly ordinary language, but in interesting and sometimes extraordinary ways.

When I worked as a mentor of African writers, I used to find that some poets were writing about 'hills and vales' as if they were Lakeland poets writing about places in England; and they were using language that came from their reading of English rather than African writers. I told them to go out into the street and listen to the language of the people around them, and write about what they saw and heard around them, not some fantasy of English 19th century poetry. And read Okot p'Bitek and Wole Soyinka, not just Wordsworth & Coleridge. In fact, Wordsworth & Coleridge were part of a movement to bring everyday language into poetry so they would approve.
Mon, 6 Mar 2017 11:58 am
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I think there is a special language for poetry. There is a special language for job applications, a special language for conversations in the pub; many particular special languages for particular uses.

Nobody has to abide by the guidelines a particular language offers but they probably stand a greater chance of success if they do.

What are the characteristics of the special language for poetry? Many could be suggested and each poet will have their own individual views. Some examples:

The contents of a poem tend to be carefully considered, often subject to much revision and editing, the poet looking to get it just 'right'. This is very different from casual speech.

Poems tend to leave the way open for multiple interpretations and this deliberate ambiguity enables the reader to participate more fully in the experience. This is very different from scientific articles.

Poems are often wildly ambitious- attempting to put into words what cannot be explained. This results in superbly subtle phrases, or perhaps 'mystical' language. Very different from a telephoned cold-call.
Mon, 6 Mar 2017 10:44 pm
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Adam - I know what you mean - but it's more a particular way of using (and possibly abusing...) language than a special set of words or a different syntax/grammar etc...

Colin - it may be that in schools they only have access to old textbooks & anthologies. I don't about India, but the provision of bookshops across the African continent is very poor. Also, I don't know how much of native African literatures are taught in schools. I suspect it's very patchy - though there are lively literary scenes across the continent, in both English & native languages. When I was in Jo'burg, I even witnessed poetry & drama that mixed languages - moving in and out of English & Ndebeli in the same poem/play.

India does have both native language poetry and 'Anglo-Indian' poetry traditions, and Francophone countries like Libya and Lebanon have people who write in French and/or Arabic, for instance.

Probably a mixture of both in other words.
Tue, 7 Mar 2017 10:02 am
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I can`t get involved in this thread at the moment..but could I just say that elPintor`s words:

`so many of us are so reticent to make public our expression and are so anxious about the ability of others to, first, understand what we are saying, and then, to assign meaning in a manner such that our "personal" language becomes a "common" language.`

Is really what the thread is all about...Linguistically persuading people to understand our meaning.
Mon, 13 Mar 2017 02:01 am
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Ideally, the poet must have a meaning in mind that he/she actually understands before constructing a poem with intent to share.
So often, I find poems waffling around in utter confusion as the writer tries to find that totally personal reason why the poem was ever started. A little more actual attention to the reason for sharing the written words would raise poems out of individual 'agony rants' that belong in private notebooks until they have 'settled for public consumption'. If they survive unchanged, fine; you're a genius; but it hardly ever happens that way.

Never presume you are a genius, except in a diary. Your eyes only - your opinion - you're allowed. Work a little harder at crystallizing and communicating your ideas to the reader/listener, and someone else may actually agree with you. Hope is the key, not expectation.
Self-discipline and revision does not make a boring writer. Or singer. Or painter. etc. etc.
Wed, 15 Mar 2017 11:55 am
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Hi, Jerry,

Welcome to WOL.

You have certainly started an interesting topic, and such an important one for new writers, (and experienced ones also.)

The discussion has gone into many arenas associated with writing, my insert included. Way beyond what I think you intended.

If the photo is actually you, and I hope it is, you look very young. So -write whatever you want, about anything you want, however you want. Just write, and write and write -about everything, for yourself. Keep a notebook. If it's on computer, be sure to copy to a thumb-drive so that you never lose your ideas.

Write in whatever language is most comfortable to you, not for the sake of 'being clever'. Empathy (big word) is probably the most important idea in writing poetry. Because, eventually, you will be writing to connect with other persons. It is inevitable.

And read, Jerry, if it's possible. And speak your own words out loud, to find best rhythm and the 'best word' to use from your personal stock of vocabulary.This is really important because poetry is truly meant to be passed on by speaking.

Have fun. Have FUN!


Wed, 15 Mar 2017 12:22 pm
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thank u very much I surely will try my best
Thu, 16 Mar 2017 05:28 pm
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Yes. Rachel. We all have idiolects that are peculiar to ourselves or to small communities. But if we allow music and metre and rhythm to be our guiding forces then even peculiar means of expression can reach across barriers. I hope. Anyways. 'Cos that's what I do.
Sun, 16 Sep 2018 01:21 am
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