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skylark song

calling out to the wall it does not know

fooled by the glass echoes

it cannot escape

chained by sightless hope

gazing through

that which looks it in the eye

there is no glass

there is no glass


there always has been

you never did notice?

did the bird never fly?



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apostropheskylarkbirdsongdenialSkylark Songdisillusionillusion

The Lizard

the lizard lay


not dead,

just content

soaking in the golden rays

bathing in the summer warmth

nestled soundly

atop his rock


eyeing the rising sun

and minding the heat

sure to follow

soon to drain the life from his limbs

dry the life 

from his domain


and soon, each breath

grows heavy with the weight of the last

not quite on pace


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crying out

to the night

make my shivers last

murder my doubt

scream for me, with me

I will scream

to who?



will you listen?

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Silent Cacophonies

left unperturbed


althought content

naïve to the stabbing

numbed only by the

warm trickle

promising painlessness


how am I left deaf

but subject to my own cries?


clawing, grasping


for a ledge


a breath


but the stream ceases not

the currents of crimson

rising, smothering

insatiably convincing

they beckon me lovingl...

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the waves, with their

inviting rhythm

unwavering in their steady assault

offering solace in the overwash

they will beat you senseless

throw you around without a 

secound thought

like a doll

ragged, aching


the waves, with their

impregnable rhythm

neither merciful nor sudden

the pain, at least

you can expect

while the scintillating breeze

carries the...

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apostrophesadnessdepressionblocking out the thoughts

The Fire

you lay numb

hypotherminc, dying

the fire, it dances

taunting, flickering, in and out

like hope

hope that it may help

help to that your frozen fingertips

slow your chattering teeth

soothe, ebb the icy grasp of the violent, pulsing

piercing burning

that is your fear and your doubt and denial

the drowning, whispering, screaming

wave that comes crashing

beating ...

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you are drowning

swim, I know you can

you don't realize

the water

it will kill you

it already has

for, why don't you scream?


but your voice is lost

not even 

the bubbles

reach the surface

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