The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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When your left alone in your own thoughts
Do you wonder where you went wrong
Where you lost everything you've ever cared about
How you gave someone your heart and they ripped it out without even seeming to care
You trusted them and where did it get you
Broken into pieces I don't know if I'll ever get back
Giving your heart to someone after being broken is almost unimaginable
I did and ...

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Worth the wait

Im waiting for the first hug well have
I’m waiting for the endless conversations we’ll have.
I’m waiting for the laughter that will be shared.
I’m waiting for you to break down my walls.
I will wait for you.

I’m waiting for our perfect imperfections.
I’m waiting to spend countless nights together.
I’m waiting to tell you all my thoughts
I’ll waiting for you.

Because of all of this,

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Worth the wait

Im waiting for the first hug well have
I’m waiting for the endless conversations we’ll have.
I’m waiting for the laughter that will be shared.
I’m waiting for you to break down my walls.
I will wait for you.

I’m waiting for our perfect imperfections.
I’m waiting to spend countless nights together.
I’m waiting to tell you all my thoughts
I’ll waiting for you.

Because of all of this,

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Never told you

Never told you

I never told you
How much I really loved you
or how much I really did care
That is my biggest mistake

I would do anything for you
Even lay down my life
In place of yours
Without a moments hesitation

I never told you
How stupid I felt around you
Or how you took my breath away
And I regret not telling you

But if I told you now
Would you believe me
Would it even...

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Memoriesmy past experiencefriends

You don't know me

You don't know me,
and I promise you never will.
You've taken over my best friend.
His soul you're out to steal.

I tried to keep him away from you.
I gave him all my love.
I prayed that I could save him
with help from up above.

Since the day he met you,
he hasn't been the same.
He's confused and without reason.
He's caught up in your game.

You push and pull on his veins,
moving ...

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