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Stephen Gospage on Forgive, Not Forget
9 hours ago

Hélène on We Rise
12 hours ago

Tom Doolan on In Your Arms
14 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Return to Waterloo
17 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on One thing becomes another
17 hours ago

Mike Bartram on 'Baby Bear'
17 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
19 hours ago

20 hours ago

20 hours ago

K. Lynn on We Rise
20 hours ago

The Senses

I can't hear the whispering of the trees,
I can't feel the tall grass tickle my skin,
I can't smell the blooming flowers,
I can't taste the salty ocean breeze on my lips,
I can't see the good in the world anymore. 
I hear my quiet sobs while alone,
I feel the pain of lost hope,
I smell the blood of a broken heart,
I taste the bittersweet memories of us,
I see a vast emptiness inside me. 


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Fire to Flicker

Sitting in silence in the depths of the darkness,
the shadows creeping closer tearing at my skin.
Surrounded by my thoughts and sorrows,
the exhaustion draining, weighing me down.
A prisoner I have become, contained in a cage,
Withering away each and every day.
The raging fire inside my soul
Has slowly begun to dwindle
A mere flicker of light remains.
The power and passion pulsing
Deep i...

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Save this World

Make time to stop and observe, 
no taking, greed, or destruction. 
The true beauty of our world.
The calls of the frogs and birds,
the movement of the streams and rivers,
the height of the trees, 
the warmth of the sun,
the grace of the deer.
Everything combined, the strength of all that is alive. 
Make time to stop and observe.

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Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what makes you different? I'm not the smartest, prettiest, funniest etc. But that one person made you realize you have a great personality and you're weird, fun, and dorky and he got you to start to love yourself and really accept and enjoy who you are. He brought out the person in you who wasn't afraid of being herself and enjoyed the little t...

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