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I long to tell you all my dreams
And hear yours in return
Oblivious to the world outside
As we surround ourselves with words

I long hear your lilting voice
As you whisper words of love 
Captured in this moment 
In which there is nothing else

I long to kiss you goodnight
And run my fingers through your hair
To watch your eyelids close
Eyelashes soft against your cheek


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longinglooking for love

that secret

italic Sundays run with a poisonous doubt

a wronged wash in the what might have been

where we fidget like fleas on a rabbits hide

and verses drafted in the cross stitched sky

cannot disguise the well-practiced curses

with the pre-packed presumption of lilies

and static

abstract amongst the sheets

your limbs offer a confusion of choice

where context is lost

besides t...

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I'm Not Here

Conversations float like dandelion seeds
drifting on some tumble-weed breeze
the words are soft and out of focus
bouncing quietly off these walls

Invisible vibrations pass unnoticed
no effect, no eye turned, no ear piqued
was that my name, something I should recognise
or just another wave in the sea of endless ambience

I’m not here
I’m not here at all

I’m back at that table
our le...

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