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The Hill Runners (A New Poem)

The Hill Runners


Hill running is something you admire.

It’s in your blood, North Yorkshire’s

Moreish love of loneliness

How the heather heavy tragedy

Makes mountains sides romantic,

Peaks magnetic as a pole star’s pull.


I know you dream of them, those grim,

Uncomplicated, headlong men.

You can see heroic silhouettes –

Black dot specks on blue hillsides


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Tiger Mountain

I have fallen for the mad ones
and the sad ones
and the ones who don't know what they want

I have found that mania so consuming
confused depression for deep thinking
I've tried to heal the cracked ones
and piece the broken ones together...

Oh I have tried to climb that mountain
with broken ankles...

I have lived off the wild ones
brought calm to the angry ones
laid down with the t...

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Creatives Collide

Stop standing on my shadow

Why are you trying to hijack my dreams?

Do you want to be like me?

Do you want to stop me from being myself?


You say you want to inspire me

I feel you conspire against me

Two lovers of creativity

Your opinion of you, far exceeds

That of me.


Edging further forward

Trying to establish yourself

As the master of our trade

At m...

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For you

Her heart beats to the rhythm of a broken tune


Unable to soar

Like an unfinished song

She longs to be complete.


Her heart is gold, yet tarnished

Impacted by the years

Of aching thoughts


Begging in her head.


Her heart is fragility at it's finest

Take it in your hands.


Let her fragments be repaired

Only by you.

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The coldest Morning

In the coldest morning

Of a frozen day

There’s a teeny tiny kernel of heat

Deep inside your heart.

Keep it safe,

You might need it

Some day


In the coldest morning

Of a dead relationship

Reach inside

For that tiny kernel of heat.

You’ll need it

For that someone else

You’ll meet.

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