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The Sun's Mythology

The sun is not a person.

The sun does not remember

its past, does not mourn

its future as a shrunken dwarf;

does not care for its planets

or their inhabitants

though in some sense

the sun is probably their parent.

The sun does not worry

about what other stars may think

as it runs a path through the teeming universe.


The sun is not a god.


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I’m flying to the sun, now free of this haunted place, to find a new destiny and to gaze upon the stars.

I won’t let me down, not like you did to me; this time I’m in my plane and going all the way to escape you all and the putrid ways of your petty lives, an end.

For now I’m free, truly free of you all and your wretched ways, now I can breathe again and live ...

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